The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World (2024)

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World (1)

Editor’s Note: We originally published this post in July 2017. It’s essential reading in terms of peeling back the onion and understanding the organized discordianism addressed on our pages. There is also a tandem podcast that offers more details: “Tim Kelly and Russ Winter Discuss Sabbatean Frankism’s Impact on the World.” We also recommend our post detailing Nesta Webster and James Billington’s work on connecting the dots on the French Revolution and the discordian plot against civilization, which is especially relevant to the present day: “Illuminism and Freemason Uprising Part I: A Deep Dive into Revolutionary History with Nesta Webster and James Billington.”

One of the most hidden aspects of the history of the last 350 years is the impact of the Shabbetian Messianic movement. It was led by Shabbetai Tzvi starting June 6, 1666 (6666). Tzvi convinced, perhaps, half of the world’s Jewry at its peak that he was the true messiah. A vast Sabbatian movement promoted the Messianic ambitions of Tzvi, who only recognized the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar and rejected the Torah and Talmud.

The Sabbatian Luciferian phenomenon was kept alive through the centuries with great help. In the 18th century, Jacob Frank reintroduced Sabbatianism to Europe. Although Jewish scholars have dissected Sabbatianism and Frankism, little of it is known to the outside world. Rabbi Marvin Antelman believes the movement lives on at least in spirit and refers to today’s believers as “satanic Sabbatian Frankists.” The article that follows uses Antelman’s book, “To Eliminate the Opiate,” (now deep sixed) as the primary source to document these events.

Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem attempts to answer this question of why Sabbatianism has been swept under the rug in his book “Holiness of Sin,” as follows:

Secularist historians, on the other hand, have been at pains to de-emphasize the role of Sabbatianism for a different reason. Not only did most of the families once associated with the Sabbatian movement in Western and Central Europe continue to remain afterward within the Jewish fold, but many of their descendants, particularly in Austria, rose to positions of importance during the 19th century as prominent intellectuals, great financiers, and men of high political connections.

“Sabbatian cults are well documented in the ‘Encyclopedia Judaica’ and in the writings of Israeli academics, including the late professor Y. Tishbi, Yehuda Liebes and Yaacov Katz. In a nutshell, these groups sexually practiced incest, pedophilia, adultery and hom*osexuality and were otherwise depraved. The Talmud states that the Messiah will come only in an age that is completely guilty or completely innocent (Sanhedrin 98a). From this epigram, the Frankists would declare, ‘Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners.'”

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World (2)One has to wonder what insanity was inside the minds of Jews that would cause so many to buy into this nihilist cult. In addition Sabbatians and Frankists practiced inbreeding, which surely didn’t help with any tendency toward psychoses and neuroses. In his day, over a million Jews from every walk of life proclaimed and hailed Tzvi as their deliverer. The movement rejected the Talmud, and completely rejected the ethics and morals of Torah Judiasm.

They conspired with the Illuminati with goals of destroying all religions and fusing all nations into one. Gershon Scholem has traced the incestuous practices of the Sabbatians to that of Earth Mother worship.

After a forced conversion to Islam by the Sultan, the cult simmered down. Then, Jacob Frank, one of history’s nastiest men, encountered the Sabbatian Dönmeh while he was a traveling salesman in Turkey in 1750. He refined the concept of the Messiah, declared himself so, and urged members of the movement to sin as the means to salvation. It was called the “cult of the all-seeing eye.”

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World (3)

The Frankist “believer” had an inverted, deceptive belief system. One must not appear to be as they really are. The last belief justified its followers’ pursuit of the double lives they led. One could appear to be a religious Jew on the outside and, in reality, be a Frankist. The Dönmeh officially converted to Islam but remained (hidden) crypto-Jews. Similarly so with many Frankists who officially converted to Catholicism.

The great majority of Frankists who outwardly appeared to embrace Judaism integrated themselves into the Jewish community. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, they still cherished as their goal “the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief,” and they dreamed “of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt.”

For the Frankist, anarchic destruction represented all the Luciferian radiance, and “great is a sin committed for its own sake.” The Frankists taught that their Four Godheads represented the major religions that needed to be destroyed: Elijah represents the ultimate Messiah, which is reached by starting with Judaism, represented by Jonathan Eibeschutz; going on to Islam represented by Shabbetai Tzvi; a the last portal represented by Frank in Christianity. After the revolution, comes Big Brother, who rules the earth.

The Frankists enticed women to leave their husbands and to join their orgies. Families were broken up by the hundreds. This is even more amazing considering the strong family life that characterized the Jews in the communities of Podolia, Moravia, Poland, Hungary and Romania at that time.

Frank wrote: “Never the less the way to life is not easy, for it is the way of nihilism – destruction and it means to free oneself from all laws, conventions, and religions to adopt every conceivable attitude and to follow one leader step by step into the abyss.”

The Encyclopedia Judaica states that Frank’s considerable wealth and income “was a constant source of wonder and speculation, and the matter was never resolved.”

In 1752, Frank married a Bulgarian Jewish woman named Channa. She was very beautiful, and he utilized her, as was the custom among members of his sect, to ensnare hundreds of men who had licentious affairs with her to build up the strength of his sect.

In 1755, Frank returned to Poland, where he associated with the Sabbatian leaders of Podolia and visited and expanded Jewish communities that had been known for their heretical leanings since the beginning of the 18th century.

Rabbis Crack Down

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World (4)

After Frankists burned copies of the Talmud and accused Jews of ritual murders, the rabbis had seen enough. In 1756 in the city of Satinow, rabbis formally excommunicated Frank and all of his followers. They prohibited intermarriage with any members of the sect. Rabbi Jacob Emden (1697- 1776) wrote in a letter that it was forbidden for anyone to have mercy on them.

Divorced from traditional Judaism, a group of Frankists in Europe converted to Catholicism in 1759. But a year later, Frank was accused of heresy and was thrown into the Citadel of Czenstokova. Frank lived comfortably at the monastery for 13 years.

Frankismwas coined in early 19th centuryand was initially a slur directed at the descendants of Frank’s followers who converted to Roman Catholicism and attempted to conceal their background.

According to contemporary accounts, the Warsaw Frankists were at 6,000. It was put at 24,000 in the whole of Poland. The cultists were said to monopolize certain trades and professions, including lending, brothels and alcohol. This factor led to many conflicts between Polish burghers and the Frankists. In Polish brochures and pamphlets published in Warsaw in the 1790s, the Frankists were portrayed as neither Jewish nor Christian (religious chameleons) and were characterized as managing to escape the control of both Jewish and Polish authorities.

After the rabbis succeeded in reducing the sect some, Frankists turn up in Moravia and Vienna. There was already an influential clan in Prague that pre-dated Jacob Frank. For reasons not adequately explained by Rabbi Antelman in his book, many of the Frankist families at this time were wealthy elites. Our theory is that their low morals and evil intent allowed them to move aggressively into the lucrative vice trades that more traditionally religious peoples avoided.

Additionally, because many were now “officially” Catholic, they were able to join or form Masonic lodges where they liked to plot and conspire. In particular, the elite Frankist inbred families operated out of the Mason Order of Asiatic Brethren in Vienna. More lodges were opened in Hamburg and Berlin. Even gentile Masonic lodges were very amenable to Jewish converts to Christianity, especially among men of means (crypto-Jew Frankists) who could grease palms and provide sexual favors. This led to a path of infiltration and, of course, compromising control.

The Elite Frankists

After his release from the citadel, Frank moved to Brno, Moravia, to hang out with his brother, who was the head of the large Dobrushka family. Jacob Frank even adopted that name. They were Frankist loyalists. The family included eight sons. Two who changed their name to Frey were leading Jacobins in the French Revolution and were guillotinedwhen the Jacobins were removed. Frank resided for 13 years in Brno. His brother Solomon (1715-1774) held both the lucrative potash and the tobacco monopolies in Moravia.

Though they had a tendency to inter-marry and inbreed within their own group, the elite Luciferian Frankists had no problem strategically assimilating with select wealthy Catholic families. Indeed, by all accounts, they were gold diggers and seducers who also had money in their own right. Frank’s own daughter Eva slept with Crown Prince and future Emperor Joseph II in Vienna, where for a time Frank was welcome within the court. Besides the sexual servicing of Joseph II, the Hapsburgs thought he could be useful in converting and assimilating Jews.

Frankists also freely held both Jewish, Catholic or Islamic names. Sabbeatians and Frankists epitomize the term “crypto-Jew.” As time went on, Frankism became more of a predatory psychopathic belief system and excuse to sin and indulge than anything else.

Eight Dobruskas “officially” converted to Christianity and six were ennobled. One of Solomon’s granddaughters, Francesca Dobrushka, married into the Hoenig family, later ennobled as the von Hoenigsbergs. The Hoenigsberg family acquired most of its wealth as descendants of Loebel Hoenig who, during the Austrian secession of 1740-1748 and the Seven Year War of 1756-1763, accumulated a fantastic fortune as a supplier of the Austrian army. Loebel’s eldest son, Israel Hoenig (1724-1808), achieved control of the Austrian tobacco monopoly.

Other prominent Sabbeatians were the Wehles family of Prague. One, Gottlieb Wehle, came to the United States with a large constituency of Frankists from Bohemia and Moravia after the Revolution of 1848. One member of this clan was Louis Brandeis (1856-1941), the Supreme Court Justice and ardent Zionist who was instrumental in promoting the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank’s portrait from his mother, a descendant of a Prague Frankist family.

Isaac Daniel Itzig of Berlin also had Frankist familial connections. He ran the Press of the Jewish Free School, which in 1796 changed its name to the Oriental Printing Office, considered to be a powerful instrument of “cultural reform” and intellectual precursor to the Frankfurt School. Rabbi Antelman labels Itzig as an earlier communist. In fact, Antelman documents a theory that holds that proto-Frankists were the vanguards of the Marxist-communist philosophy.

Itzig’s father Daniel (aka Daniel Yoffe) was financial adviser to King Frederick William II of Prussia who, when he was crown prince, was a member of the Berlin llluminati. Itzig (1750-1806) was a purveyor of silver to the Royal Prussian mint. Along with banker-merchant H. Ephraim during the Seven Year War, he issued debased coinage that not only contributed to inflation but helped the Prussian government fight the war. These two powerful Frankist families were later joined in marriage.

Frankist Mayer Arnstein married Theresa Wertheimer, granddaughter of banker and chief rabbi Samson Wertheimer of Austria. Rabbi Wertheimer (1658-1724) was considered to be the wealthiest Jew in Europe between 1694 and 1704. He was financial administrator for emperors Leopold I, Joseph I and Charles VI and supervised their diplomatic missions. This earned him the nickname Judenkaiser, or Jewish Emperor. Arnstein, in turn, financed the Tyrolese peasant revolt against France and Bavaria.

The same pattern continuously emerges. Brilliant, wealthy Luciferians addicted to power, anxious to superficially assimilate, to destroy religions, to indulge in radicalism, shady ethics and to live cryptic, two-faced lives, sometimes posing as religious Jews, Catholics, Protestants or Muslims but indulging their revolutionary radicalism in secret. Even as Frankism itself diminished, at least on the surface, as a large and organized sect, its belief system received a strong toehold even within the Catholic faith through Frankist “conversions.”

Rabbi Scholem adds more clues as to their practices:

The “believers” endeavored to marry only among themselves, and a wide network of inter-family relationships was created among the Frankists, even among those who had remained within the Jewish fold. Later Frankism was to a large extent the religion of families who had given their children the appropriate education. The Frankists of Germany, Bohemia, and Moravia usually held secret gatherings in Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary, Bohemia, today’s Czech Republic) in summer round about the ninth of Av.

In 1800, the Prussians conducted an investigation of the Frankists under the official Forney. At first, they thought it was a scam. But in the end, they determined it was a secret society engaged in political and economic esponiage under the guise of a religion.

Rothschild Connection

Near the end of his life, Frank lived in Offenbach, just outside Frankfurt. He settled there in 1786, lived in regal style and maintained a militia. He died in Offenbach on Aug. 10, 1791.

When the Frankists established themselves in 1786 in Offenbach, they were patronized by “unidentified philanthropists” of the Frankfurt community. But during the Frankfurt Masonic Lodge’s formative years, the three most active members of the Frankfurt Judenloge were Frankist-influenced: Sigmund Geisenheimer, Michael Hess (1782-1860) and Justus Hiller. They were also leaders in the liberal Jewish Reformist movement.

Michael Hess was hired by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) as a tutor for his children. Geisenheimer was Mayer Rothschild’s head clerk. Thus, the spirit and mentality of Frankism received a large boost from the richest family in Europe. Incidentally, 29 out of 58 of Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren married first or second cousins.

The union between the secret societies of Illuminism and Freemasonry was sealed in 1782 at the Congress of Wilhelmbad. The other movement that was brought forth at the Congress was pro-Semitism, or the emancipation of the Jews. This, of course, included opening up the Masonic Lodges to them. The Illuminism headquarters was relocated to Rothschild center of Frankfurt at the same time. Curiously, this new movement corresponded with the rise of the Sabbattean-Frankist influenced House of Rothschild, as well as the Jewish families Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Schuster, Speyer and Stern in Frankfurt.

The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World (2024)


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